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Landscaping Company
Chicago North Shore

Drainage Landscaping Project in Lake Forest


To improve drainage in the southeast area of the backyard, 17 yards of soil will be brought in to fill low spots and fine-graded to direct water toward two oak trees. A swale will be installed in the middle of the low area, pitched from right to left to drain between the trees. To enhance water collection, an 82-foot French drain system will be installed, with one section running through the swale and another along the east side of the yard, starting 10 feet south of the fence and connecting to the first drain. The project will conclude with final grading to ensure proper drainage, leaving the area ready for seeding.

Scope of Work – Lake Forest Backyard Drainage Improvement

  1. Soil Fill & Grading:
    • Bring in 17 yards of soil to fill the low spot in the southeast area of the backyard.
    • Fine-grade the area to direct water drainage toward the two oak trees.
  2. Swale Installation:
    • Construct a swale in the middle of the low spot.
    • Pitch the swale from right to left, directing water flow toward the low area between the two oak trees.
  3. French Drain Installation:
    • Install a French drain in the middle of the swale to collect and redirect water.
    • Install a second French drain on the east side of the backyard, beginning approximately 10 feet south of the fence and running south.
    • Connect this drain to the first French drain in the swale.
    • Total French drain length: 82 feet.
  4. Final Grading & Preparation:
    • Fine-grade the two areas to ensure proper water drainage toward the oak trees.
    • Leave the area ready for the customer to seed.

Please call 847.698.6868 or Contact Us

Tommy Pollina Landscape Company – serving Chicagoland since 1982.

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