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Landscaping Company
Chicago North Shore

Drainage Landscaping Project in Northbrook


Backyard Drainage Installation Plan

1. Catch Basin Installation

  • one (1) 12-inch catch basin at the low spot between two maple trees in the backyard.

2. French Drain Installation

  • 60 feet of French drain on the west side of the catch basin.
  • 45 feet of French drain on the east side of the catch basin.
  • 20 feet of French drain on the south side of the catch basin.

3. Secondary Catch Basin Installation

  • Install one (1) 12-inch catch basin at the end of the 20-foot French drain section.

4. Additional French Drains

  • 60 feet of French drain on the west side of the secondary catch basin.
  • 45 feet of French drain on the east side of the secondary catch basin.
  • 25 feet of French drain on the south side of the secondary catch basin.
  • 60 feet of French drain in the southeast section of the new lawn.

5. Final Catch Basin Installation

  • Install one (1) 12-inch catch basin at the low point on the south side of the yard.

6. Solid PVC Drainage Installation

  • Install 50 feet of solid PVC running southwest to the central catch basin.
  • Install 65 feet of French drain leading toward the storm drain.
  • Transition to 62 feet of solid PVC for final drainage into the storm drain.

7. Lawn Restoration & Finishing Touches

  • Seed any areas of the lawn that were disturbed during installation.
  • Roll the backyard with a walk-behind roller for a smooth and even surface.

Please call 847.698.6868 or Contact Us

Tommy Pollina Landscape Company – serving Chicagoland since 1982.

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